謝謝成澍媽媽,Jamie, for helping out in class today!
謝謝曾增媽媽,Lisa, for bringing extra brush pens for students!
謝謝靜麗媽媽,Thanh, for taking great class photos!
Please enjoy today's class pictures!
謝謝成澍媽媽,Jamie, for helping out in class today!
謝謝曾增媽媽,Lisa, for bringing extra brush pens for students!
謝謝靜麗媽媽,Thanh, for taking great class photos!
Please enjoy today's class pictures!
Dear 3A parents and students,
Special thanks to most wonderful parents, Jamie, Lisa, Mary, AiHua, Bob, Jackie, Francis, and Ellen!
The power went out all the way from our classroom to LA115. Jamie, Lisa, Aihua, and Mary had to move the cooking pots to LA115 to cook dumplings and rice balls for students, and also stay to clean up the messy tables. Thank you so much for making our Lunar New Year class activities possible and fun!
Our students made the yummiest sticky balls 湯圓 ever! It was chewy and soft! Thanks AiHua for helping us cook 湯圓. Students had such a fun day today!
We ran out of time to make Chinese Couplets. We will do it next week. We will do it next Saturday.
Important dates,
2/4, New Year Parade
1:00pm-2:00pm, 3A class activity: Making Chinese Couplets, hand out red envelopes.
2:40pm-2:50pm, School-wide Lunar New Year Parade.
Students are encouraged to wear traditional Chinese customs or red to school.
2/18, No school
2/25, 3A Final exam (lesson 4 and lesson 5) 期末考 (考試範圍:第四課,第五課)
5AB parent, Peter, took video for our students dancing on Autume Featival from another angle. Please see below.
Please enjoy today's class photos.
Thanks again! See you next Saturday at Lunar New Year Parade.
3A student group learning photos.
Dear 3A parents,
1 Parents Meeting: 10/1, 1:00pm-1:15pm (this coming Saturday).
“Recap for Students” and “Padlet” step-by-step demonstration.
2 Song lyric: Students brought home song “夢寐以求” lyric today. Please have your child bring it to school every time.
3 Please have your child view the video below and read aloud textbook page 18 and 19 while Recap. If you don’t know how to Recap, please have your child call # 925-444-3131 to record their read aloud.
Presentation song "夢寐以求".
1. 聽/Listening
Listein to the video above.
2. 說, 讀/Speaking, Reading
Read/read aloud textbook page 18, 19.
3. 打/Typing
Type "Let's chant" on textbook page 17, and email to Lao Shi.
See you next Saturday!
a. Listen to Li Lao Shi's Youtub video reading Textbook "Let' Chant" on page 17.
b. Listen to Li Lao Shi's reading textbook news words.
說/ Recap your Speaking
a. New works on textbook page 16, 17, and 19 ;
b. Textbook “Let's Chant” on page 17.
You can review "new works" in the following video
慧華 is the first one to submit Recap homework. Bravo!!
page 7, 11
Padlet your funny photos
For Parents
Volunteer sign up link,
Class roster fill out link,
How to do "Recap for students"
Recap for student toturial video.
Recap link,
class pin,
How to do "Padlet"
Padlet tutorial
Padlet link,
Right click twice to creat your bulletin, then you can type and upload your funny pictures.
Our students did such a great job today!!
Keep on good work!
See you next Saturday. 下週六見。
Li Lao Shi 李老師
Dear 3A parents and students,
Thank you so much for the wonderful year. You made my first year of teaching at CCCS full of joy! Thanks for your generous red envelope and sweet gifts, I am so~~~ overwhelmed!
Here are some photos that Yee Ping and Quyen took at the last day of CCCS and the party at my house. Have a great summer! Hope to see you all next school year at CCCS!
Li Lao Shi
Dear 3A parents and students,
Students had final exam today, that means we are done with all the learning this year! Yeah~~
Next Saturday will be our last class. Students will present news broadcasting on the 1st hour, but please kindly come in after 1:15pm to give us a little bit of time to do some rehearsal. After the news broadcasting presentation, it’s our class party! If you have any question or would like to help, please contact our class reps, Yee Ping and Peter, for more details.
1. News broadcasting:
Practice your news anchor/ weather person scripts every day!!
News anchors, make sure you can read all your scripts fluently and loudly!
Weather persons, make sure you memorize your scripts and can speak with loud voice!
2 Ambition Owls:
Write your Chinese name and your ambition on your owl!
My:我的(wo3 de)
Ambition :志願(zhi4 yuan4)
You can check how to write your ambition using yahoo dictionary, the link:
Thanks to Peter, AnAn’s dad, for volunteering to display owls outside of our classroom on 6/6!
Students who passed the comprehensive test took their certificates home today. I didn’t realize there is a place for teachers to sign names until 2A teacher, Lo Lao Shi reminded me. Please bring back your certificate to school next Saturday, I will sign my name for you~~
Have a wonderful weekend, and I will see you next Saturday!
Li Lao Shi
LOVE~ LOVE~ LOVE~ ^ ______ ^
Dear 3A parents and students,
We finished lesson 10 today!! Yeah!!
I can’t believe we only have 2 more days to go for this school year!
We reviewed lesson 8, 9, and 10 for the final exam on 5/30.
Students took home practice test sheets for fianl exam, please finish it at home. Voice recording for listening test will be sent to you by email or you can listen to it in our blog album, the link:
Important dates:
5/23, No class.
5/30, Final exam on 1st hour.
6/6, News broadcasting on 1st hour; class party on 2nd hour.
1 Workbook: page 68~73.
2. Finish the take-home news forecast sheet.
3. Finish practice test for final exam.
4. Listen to Li Lao Shi’s voice recording for news broadcasting and
fill tones in your news anchor/weather person scripts.
News Anchor voice recording link:
Weather person voice recording link:
5. Read your news anchor/weather person scripts
when you call Li Lao Shi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
You can start decorating your owl, but remember to not write anything on your owl yet.
Have a nice weekend~
Li Lao Shi
3A Mother‘s Day Youtube video.
( 思賢,克拉,華禧 were absent the day when I took the video.
I will film them next class and add them into our video!)
Students presentation background music.
The hardest job in the world video.
Dear 3A parents,
Thank you for coming to our classroom today. Students were all very excited to show you their Mother’s Day presentation! They practiced the whole time before you all came in, and they did such a beautiful job! I am blessed to have them, and you, 3A moms and dads!
We only have 3 classes to go, can you believe it? Time passed by so fast!
Following is our schedule:
1. Finished lesson 10.
2. Practice news broadcasting;
3. Students take home the final exam mock-test.
I will send answers by email.
4. Lunch social from 12p~1p.
Students bring own lunch to school.
Ice cream will be served by CCCS.
5/23. No class.
1. Students review lesson 8~10 for final exam at home.
2. Students practice news anchor/weather person lines at home.
5/30. Final exam/Comprehensive test re-take/ News Broadcasting rehearsal.
1. Final exam at the 1st hour.
2. Students who re-take comprehensive test will stay after class for one hour
and can leave early when they finish test.
Students who have decided to stay in same level next year
no need to re-take the test.
3. News broadcasting reheasal at the 2nd hour.
4. Owl due. (Your owl will be on our class door on 6/6.)
Tell Lao Shi what you want to be (occupation) next class.
李老師 will teach you the Chinese title of the occupation.
6/6. Last day of CCCS!
1. Students news broadcasting presentation.
2. Class party at the 2nd hour.
3. Lunar New Year auction gathering at Li Lao Shi's house at 5:30pm.
(6 families that participated the auction.)
I have students’ workbooks.
Sorry that I didn’t have time to revise all the workbooks so I have to take them home.
We have another big presentation ahead--
3A News Broadcasting on 6/6!
Practice your news anchor/weather person lines.
News anchor lines. You can listen to it here.
我是_______ 。
Weather person lines. You can listen to the lines here:
Napa 65度,
San Francisco 62度,
Oakland 65度,
Concord 63度,
Santa Cruz 65度。
Read all your news anchor/weather person lines when you
call Li Lao Shi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Have a nice weekend! Happy Mother’s Day!
Daddies, you are doing the world's hardest job, too!!
Li Lao Shi
Thanks 雅芝 for the beautihul flowers and warm hand-made card,
Li Lao Shi love you, too~ 李老師也愛妳~
Dear 3A parents and students,
Special Announcement:
1. Please come in to our classroom at 2:30pm next Saturday.
Students have a presentation for dearest mommies.
2. “Salute to mom” from 1:00pm~2:50pm next Saturday.
Yummy food will be served at room LA114.
3. Students social lunch. 12:00pm~1:00pm, 5/16 at CCCS.
Students bring their own lunch to school. CCCS will provite ice cream.
The purpose is for students to better know each other.
Students social lunch will take place once every month next year.
4. Congratulations to students who passed the comprehensive test!
If your test score is 70 and above, congratulations! you had passed the test.
If your score is under 70, please prepare to take the makeup test
on 5/30 after class.
If you already decided to stay in 3A class for next school year,
you can skip the makeup test.
5. No class on 5/23.
6. Final exam is on 5/30.
7. Last day of CCCS and end of year class party is on 6/6.
8. CCCS online registration is starting! Early bird discount ends at 5/31.
Students who are going to 4A class next year can start register and save now.
Students who didn’t pass the comprehensive test will have your score
right after the makeup test on 5/30.
Class notes:
We continue lesson 10 today. Students reviewed all the phrases and learned grammar.
1. Home practice:
a. Workbook: Page 64, 65.
b. Textbook: Page 118.
2. Typing: Let’s chant on Page 113.
3 Speaking:
Call you partners on Mon, Wed, and Fri to practice the following.
a. Read textbook “Let’s Chant” on page 113,
b. Read “Task2” in textbook page 116.
There will be a conversation presentation next week.
Conversation partners:
克拉 call 蘇菲 on Monday & Wednesday 蘇菲 call 克拉 on Friday |
殷琪call 雅芝,詠欣on Monday & Wednesday 雅芝call 殷琪on Friday |
宜昇call 美琪on Monday & Wednesday 美琪call宜昇,詠欣on Friday |
磊磊 call 天樂 on Monday & Wednesday 天樂 call 磊磊 on Friday |
光政 call 謹華 on Monday & Wednesday 謹華 call 光政 on Friday |
思賢 call 康權 on Monday & Wednesday 康權 call 思賢 on Friday |
安安 call 華禧on Monday & Wednesday 華禧 call 安安 on Friday |
啟蘇 call 海靈 on Monday & Wednesday 海靈 call 啟蘇 on Friday |
4. Practice singing “寶貝”. Sing along with video.
5. Finish your mother’s card and remember to bring it to class next week.
The Sentences you can use to write on your card:
Class pictures.
Students practiced writing characters on black board.
Kim brought super yummy home-made snack again!
Lucky us!
Yum yum~~~
Thanks to sweet 啟蘇 for the beautiful, yummy cookies~
Have a nice weekend!
Li Lao Shi 李老師
Dear parents and students,
Congratulations to students who passed the comprehensive test!
If your score is below 70, the makeup test is on 5/30 after class.
Class notes:
After several weeks of preparation for the comprehensive test, we finally have whole 2 hours for our lessons today.
We reviewed lesson 9, and started lesson 10 today.
Students also practiced the anchor and weather person lines.
1. Writing: Please see email attached files for writing assignment.
2. Typing:Type all the new words and phrases in your writing assignment.
3. Listening: Listen to Li Lao Shi’s voice recording and write down the characters/pinyin for the phrases and words you hear in order. (Just write on the back side of your writing sheets. Please see email attached files for my voice recording.)
4. Workbook: Page 62, 63, 66.
5. Speaking: Read all the new phrases and words in your writing sheets, and also read your anchor or weather person lines when you call Li Lao Shi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
You can listen to the anchor lines below:
You can listen to the weather person lines below:
我是李小華 。
Special thanks to Faye , 宜昇’s mom, for bringing yummy snack for our class.
Special thanks to Jenny , 啟蘇’s mom, for donating 18 cute owls hanging decoration. I will pass them to students to take home for their own design. We will hang those owls on our 3A class door at the last day of class (6/6).
Can you believe that we only have 5 school days left at CCCS!
The final exam is on 5/30, and the last day of school is 6/6, therefore, we only have 3 days left for our lesson.
I am planning to have a news broadcasting presentation on 6/6. I believe we will only take the 1st hour so we can have 2nd hour for end-of-school-year party!
Time passed by so fast!
Have a nice weekend!
Li Lao Shi
Dear 3A parents and students,
We just finished the comprehensive test! Yeah!!!!
Most of the students had done a wonderful job!
All the hard work and preparation had paid off!
Li Lao Shi is so proud of you! 3A studentsl!
Thank you, 3A parents! I can see your great, great at-home-support through students' outstanding job!
If your child didn't pass the test, there is one makeup test in May, and one before Summer break. I strongly recommend student to stay in my class for next year if they didn't pass the makeup tests. Learning language has nothing to do with grade level. My 11-year-old daughter is in CCCS 2nd grade now, and she has established a solid fundation. I have full confidence that she will be able to handle the higher level next year! Please let your child stay in the same level one more year if he/she needs more time and help. I will help them with all my heart! If your child fail the makeup tests, please let him/her stay in my class next year. Please don't let your child wonder in 4th grade class and lost all of their condifence and interest in Chinese next year!
Special thanks to:
Faye, 宜昇‘s mom,
for being in charge in the courtyard for student safty,
and watching the door while the test was in progress!
Peter, 安安’s dad, and Yee Ping, 康權‘s dad,
for providing typing devices and helping to manage the class.
Your warming kindness made today's test went smoothly!
I can't imaging if you were not there to help today!
Thank you so~~~~~ much!!! Dear Faye, Yee Ping, Peter!!
Next class, we will review lesson 8 and start lesson 9.
Please practice the news anchor and weather person lines at home.
Please see the following for news anchor lines.
You can listen to the lines here.
Weather person lines:
You can listen it here.
我是李小華 。
I was so busy today and didn't even realize there is a pack of orange on my desk!
I don't know who gave the orange to me. Please kindly let me know, and thank you so much!!
Thanks Yee Ping for the grapefruit!!
Li Lao Shi's daughter and son reviewed and studied for the comprehensive test at home. Aren't they funny?
Have a nice weekend!
Li Lao Shi
Dear 3A parents and students,
At the 1st hour, we continued lesson 9, reviewed and reinforced new words, new phrases, and grammar.
Students spent time to make sentences by using the words above.
1. 你吃飯,我就吃飯。
2. 先吃飯,再看電視。
3. 很久 vs. 太久
Students took 2nd practice test at the 2nd hour.
Thanks to Kim, Chuping, Kathy, Tatung, and Maria for spending their precious time to give students speaking and typing test. Your kindness is very much appreciated!
Thanks to Kim for bringing delicious homemade treats to school again. We are so lucky!
Thanks to Peter for bringing Kim’s heavenly sweet treat to me while I busily explained the test rule to parent volunteers.
Thanks to Winnie for the super yummy pineapple cake all the way from Taiwan!
Thanks to number one class helper, Yee Ping, for the wonderful picture!
The most heart-warming picture.
The comprehensive test is coming!
It’s on 4/18, next Saturday.
We will start the test at the 1st hour (1:00pm~1:50pm).
Students’ typing and speaking test will be given by me at the 2nd hour (2:00pm~2:50pm).
Students are allowed to bring their own typing device for their typing test. The device should be turned on and be ready to use before the typing test starts.
Study comprehensive study guide, 1st practice test, and 2nd practice test.
I will send the 2nd practice test (one with answer, and one without) by email.
Please be on time on 4/18. Comprehensive test will start promptly on 1:00pm!
Good luck! See you next Saturday!
Li Lao Shi
Congratulations to 啟蘇!!
啟蘇 represented CCCS to participate the “2015 Academic Competition of Association of Northern California Chinese Schools”, and she won the honorable metion in the Wetern Drawing categoty! This is 啟蘇’s first time representing our school, and she did such a great job! We are so proud of her!
Dear 3A parents and students,
My internet is finally working now. So sorry for the delay.
There is no class on 4/4. Class will resume on 4/11.
Class notes:
We had practice test at the 2nd hour. This practice test only includes part of the comprehensive test. We will have another practice test on 4/11. The comprehensive test is on 4/18.
Many thanks to Kim, Jenny, Michelle, and Maria ! Without your help, the test couldn’t had gone so smoothly. I will need your help gain on 4/11. Same routine, same location. Hope you could kindly help out again.
Thanks to Peter for picking up my 3 kids from home for me while I subbing for morning 1AB class. Truly appreciate your kindness.
Students learnt lesson 9 grammar at the 1st hour.
1 Study your practice test. I will send out the test paper. One with answers and one without answers. Please check email attached files.
2. Workbook: page 57, 58, 60, and 61. Students will win a prize for finishing all lesson 9 workbook assignment. (Page 55~61)
3. Typing: Type lesson 1~7 chant last sentences every day or at least 6 times before next class. Send your typing to Li Lao Shi before 4/11.
4. Speaking: Call your partners to practice reading lesson 1~ lesson 7 chant. (Lesson 3 chant should be memorized.)
Conversation partners:
克拉 call 雅芝 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
雅芝 call 克拉 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
殷琪 call 蘇菲 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
蘇菲 call 殷琪 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
美琪 call 天樂 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
天樂 call 美琪 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
磊磊 call 宜昇 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
宜昇 call 磊磊 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
啟蘇 call 海靈 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
海靈 call 啟蘇 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
思賢 call 詠欣 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
詠欣 call 思賢 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
安安 call 華禧 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
華禧 call 安安 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
謹華 call 光政,康權 on Mon, Wed, Fri (This week)
光政,康權 call 謹華 on Mon, Wed, Fri (Next week)
See you in 2 weeks.
Li Lao Shi